List of things to do after this week:
- hand in my essay. early in the morning.
- have a delicious dinner in the evening. and a drink.
- clean the apartment.
- sort out the clothes (clean/dirty/for charity).
- take out the trash before going to work.
- clean the dishes.
- clean clean clean.
- burn a CD with movies for Tusia.
- write postcards for postcrossing.
- send them the same day as well.
- take pictures of the received postcards and post them on site.
- take the books I don't want to charity shop.
- write letters to friends I've been neglecting.
- build my new beading machine.
- look for good recipes and cook something new.
- have an idea for dinner for everyday in advance.
- bake during the weekend.
- sort out the pictures on my computer.
- select the ones for craft projects.
- write down any crafty ideas. into a notebook.
- continue with the parrot embroidery.
- bake a carrot cake.
- make a delicious latte with syrups.
- finish the books I'm reading since a long time.
- read the Pani magazines.
- listen to new music. and review it to someone.
- watch the movies on my computer.
- take better care of my hands and nails. keep them groomed. like a lady should.
- don't spend all day online. go out, search, discover. browse.
- take more pictures. learn how to use a camera.
- take some overtime at work and save money.
- research healthy living recipes, so we have a healthy lunches and not too-late-and-too-fatty dinners.
- sort out the beads and threads be continued.
od razu mi lepiej.
od razu wiecej motywacyji.
a teraz back to pisu pisu pisu.
to trochę creepy, ale mogę podpisać się pod tym wszystkim, dosłownie wszystkim. no, może oprócz ciasta marchewkowego, bo robię je zbyt często.
OdpowiedzUsuńbtw, nie wiedziałam, że też craftujesz :)
ja właśnie bardziej scrapbookowo, bo robię kartki :)
OdpowiedzUsuńa ciasto marchewkowe robię według tego przepisu i zawsze wychodzi cudne:
smacznego :)